Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Back-to-School Blues

"I can't believe school is already starting again!"  How many times have you heard these words recently?  I'm not even in school, and I have heard these words more times than I care to count.  And yet, the truth is, I can't believe that school is starting again already!  Where does time actually go?

I saw a funny meme, which I searched and searched and searched for but can't find!  It basically said, "Here's a list of all of the awesome things I did this summer:  work." 

It's hard not to get the blues at the end of summer break, even us adults who don't have an actual summer break get the end of summer blues.  Summer is just such a wonderful time to rest, relax, play, and be in nature.  These things are good for our bodies and our souls.

Starting the school year off on a positive note is a really important thing to do in order to succeed.  Part of starting the school year off well isn't just getting good sleep, staying on top of your homework, and all that practical stuff.  It's spiritual as well.  Start your school year off dedicating time to prayer, to Reconciliation and Mass, and to living out your faith.  Whenever there is a new beginning (a new year, a birthday, the start of a school year), it's good to reflect on the changes that need to happen in order to make whatever you're doing the best that it can be. 

Starting out strong will help you take away some of the blues and give you a sense of purpose and enthusiasm.