In my Catholic Biblical School course, my teacher pointed out that "God can use political circumstances for His own purposes," which got me to I believe that God is bigger than this election? Do I believe that God can work in my life, in this country, even if our political situation is...well...what it is? Do I believe?
If the answer is yes, that I do, in fact, believe in God's power, than there is no cause for despair. I'm not saying that we shouldn't do what we can do to "help" Him (haha! That's laughable! As if WE could help Him!). But we are called to act, to be active, and to do whatever we can to bring goodness to this world. Part of that is learning about our politicians and voting wisely. Part of that is raising questions, protesting immoral or unethical plans/behaviors/beliefs. We have to do our part. But if our country picks a leader who does not live up to our beliefs, does our faith hold? Can we believe that God is bigger than Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton?
The world has been in this situation before. Let me correct myself...the world has been in worse situations before. Remember Pharaoh? Remember Herod? Remember what they couldn't do? They could not stop God's plan from happening. They could not stop God.
No, I'm not going to tell you who to vote for, or who is best to vote for, or who you shouldn't vote for. I am also not going to tell you that this might be a year to not vote, either. I'm going to let you make those horrible decisions for yourself. I am going to tell you that Jesus tells us not to worry. That He says that He brings peace. He tells us not to fear. Who are we to say otherwise?
And please don't forget that the world has seen terrible, actually evil, leaders before, and yet, God has never failed to keep His promises.
Faith is not just a feeling. It is not just a belief. Faith is an action. It is a response to your belief. Our faith must lead us to peace. No, not just peace between police and people of color. Not just peace between America and other countries. Faith leads us to peace of heart. Peace of mind. Peace of soul. Because neither Pharaoh, Herod, or more modern "evil leaders" like Hitler or Stalin, none of them have been able to kill a person's soul. None of them have been able to stop a person from achieving heaven. And yes, things have been bad with them. And history will decide if these potential leaders will be "evil" or not. But remember, they do not have the power the keep you from heaven. If that doesn't bring you peace, why doesn't it? Do you believe in heaven? Truly? Do you believe in God? Do you believe?
And let us not forget...America is a country where we can make things happen. We have rights. We have freedom. We have the ability to make change a reality. We are not weak. This situation is not hopeless. This situation is not over. Our country is still great. Two people who happened to get lucky enough to run for president are not going to single-handedly bring this country down. Let us ask God, once again, to bless the USA, and let us believe He will.