Sunday, March 24, 2013

Reflecting on the Passion - It's Just Not Fair

This Palm Sunday, I have done what devout Catholics across the world are spending the day doing:  reflecting on the Passion of Christ.  When I think about all that Christ has done for us, for me, I can't help but think about how God is just not fair.

It's not fair that Jesus had to die for our sins.  He didn't do anything to deserve that punishment.  In fact, He did the opposite.  He gave us life, freedom and Heaven.  And it was with compassion and love that He bore the cross, knowing He had done nothing wrong.

Thank God that He isn't fair.  I don't mean that as an expression, I'm telling you to do it.  Thank Him. 

What's fair would be to punish us for all of the ugliness in our hearts.  What's fair would be to take away our free will, so that we didn't have any choice but to be obedient to Him.  If I got what was "fair," I wouldn't be doing so well.  I would be condemned.  Banished.  Dead.  That would be fair.

God is not fair.  But neither is love.

Love is the opposite of fair.  Love is all about giving what is undeserved.  Forgiving when we are still hurt.  Helping those who are ungrateful.  Caring for the unwanted.  Choosing to be uncomfortable when comfort is available.  Giving when we have not.  All this without any recognition or hope of a reward.  Is that fair?  No.  But that's love.

Yes, God is love.  How happy I am that He is not fair.